Wednesday, September 30, 2009

How to make an Indian omelette

Chop up some onion
Chop up some tomato
Add some (lots of) coriander
Add some green chilli pepper
(and don't forget the eggs)

India is a total sensory experience, and if I can, I'll share those. I might leave out some smells (which range from b.o and sewage to spices and tandoori). As part of a daily Delhi outing, one will inhale exhorbitant amounts of exhaust fumes and dust, and one will hear the constant (and I do mean constant) sound of horns, which must be louder here than anywhere else.

Also, there is nothing scarier than riding in the back of a bycicle rickshaw through Delhi traffic. Delhi traffic is absolutely insane, bumpers are used here more than anywhere else, and every car has at least 5 dents.

Also, every woman in the world should wear Kurta and salvar, and every man should wear kurta and pyjama, because they just look better on people than western clothes.

We've spent the last two days in the hospital, trying to diagnose Tara's mysteious appearing and dissapearing fever.

Baha'i Lotus Temple

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