Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thought of the day

You can't get lost if you have no destination.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Day 3 in Goa
Holly says:
-Something chewed up my earbuds
-Did you have it on the beach?
-No problem

Day 4 in Goa
Julien says:
-Something chewed up my earbuds
-Did you have it on the beach
-Remind me to throw out my toothbrush tomorrow...

Day 5 in Goa
Julien ponders to self:
-Where's my toothbrush? Good thing I resolved to get a new one, eh?

Day 5 in Goa (evening)
-Julien, did you chew up your toothbrush and put it in my corner of the room with a nest of toilet paper as some sort of passive aggressive message?
-No, but I sincerely hope that it migrated there by itself.
-Um, what do we do?
-We should name it, that way its like a pet (reference Nagy, 2009). What would you like to name it?
-Percival it is.

Hoping that it was one of the geckos from the bathroom, we turned off the light and attempted sleep. Hearing ruffling from across the room about an hour later, I turn to Holly:
-Do you want to turn on the light and see what Percival looks like?
I turn on the light to discover a rat scurrying across the room.

The next 2 days were spent debating the poisoning of Percy, but we loved our pet too much to let him go.

NEVER BUY A CHEAP MEMORY CARD FROM  A SHADY STORE  #)*($&@^%_@+!)!*(#& No pictures...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh no, the electricity is out, lets go for a swim.

Dear Dad,
how dare you deprive me of the pleasures of scooter-riding for so long?
It's just like riding a really fast bicycle.


Why did the Conservative die in India?
He refused to drive with the degenerates on the left.
He drove into a cow.

Goa has been voted one of the top 10 Hippie tourist destinations. Arambol is filled with speedoed Euro-trash, Russian mafioso types (and bimbo-prostitute types), as well as the occasional Canadian and Israeli, and the aged drug-addled Chilean who claims to be a famous and wealthy rock star in his own country.
Sometimes, I'm walking in the street, and I am overcome with the urge to shout:
"You look fucking ridiculous!"
"There is a limit to how many holes a pair of jeans should have.You've passed it."
"Get a haircut. And shave. A dread-locked beard is taking it way too far."
"Ocean water is not a substitute for taking a shower"
"The diseased-hooker look really isn't as attractive as you think it is"
I have subtle urges to sneak sunscreen tubes into the strap of certain people's speedos. I'm not sure how the logistics of this would work.


It rains in my bathroom. :)

The ocean water is warmer than the shower water. Imagine descending into the water with the sun, and leaving the water to see the entire beach lit up in darkness, staring up at the infinitely starry sky...

Monday, November 16, 2009


I decided to change my look.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fish and Chips

Today I sat on the beach, ate fresh grilled 'kingfish', and drank watermelon juice. I swam. Then I spilled some watermelon juice on myself, because I'm a slob. In order to clean the juice off, I went for another swim.
Then, I had steak for dinner. Goa is one of the few places in India where one can eat beef. It was magnificent.

Brits are xenophobes.
Actually, most tourists are xenophobes. They also all love stereotypes. All tourists are stereotyping xenophobes.

I'm still contemplating the ephemerality of life. I took a 30 hour train from Jaipur to Goa from the 13th to 14th. The same train, from the 14th-15th, derailed, killing 9 people.
India near-death count: 2

Before Jaipur, I was in Pushkar, and as any good tourist would, I made sure to really experience Pushkar culture.

Pushkar is strange, in that alcohol is illegal (although available if requested in a hushed tone), conversely, marijuana is legal (hence the abundance of Israelis). Eggs are also illegal (although available in most restaurants), and hummus and pita seem to be the dish that most restaurants pride themselves for.

I've been in India for almost 2 months, and I still can't deal with this:

Knowing the child mortality rate of India is frightening. A child could be begging me (or anyone) for food on any day, and the next could die. What difference does this child have from any child in any circumstance anywhere? Too much, in existence, seems allocated to luck. And I was upset about my medium-rare steak being overcooked.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Motorcycle riding for dummies

Things I've leant while riding a motorcycle in India:
1)It is both incredibly easy and incredibly difficult to learn how to ride a motorcycle
2) Beware of Cows
3) Ditto for dogs, pigs, goats, monkeys, children, etc.
4) Just because you can go above 80, doesn't mean you should.
5) See number 4
6) Helmets give a false illusion of security
7) Thank god this was in India and not Quebec.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mini Blog

Went to Amritsar.
Golden Temple.
Pakistan border, Changing of the Guards Dance.
In Jaipur.
Saw awesome amber fort.
Going to Udaipur.
Will use mad skills to buy last minute train tickets tomorrow.

The group (which is splitting into 2 parties and meeting again down south) consists of a:
an Israeli
a Kiwi
a Vancouverite
a Tibetan/Californian
and me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dharma Police

I've written this post about 30 times in my head over the past 10 days. Then, I realized that I was writing this post in my head, and tried to watch that tendency.

I just had an unbelieveable learning experienece.
2 questions:
Have I changed?
Yes. No. Maybe.
Will it stick?

Because I don't know what to write, I'm going to write down my meditation playlist (the songs that I became slightly aware of having entered my mind without intending them to):
Halleluya - Leonard Cohen
Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
The Eli Melech Niggun
If you want to sing out, sing out - Originally by Cat Stevens, but I prefer the Brigitte Naggar version
St Vincent (not sure which song, but she is phenomenal)
The whole world - Outkast
In any other world - Mika
The four immeasurables (Buddhist prayer)
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers

If you expected something profound, well, um, go to the nearest mountain range, and soak up the immeasurable beauty. Or, open your eyes when you wake up, and soak in the immeasurable beauty. Or, keep them closed, look inside, and soak in the immeasurable beauty.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The Indian Cow and the Swiss Cow are sitting together over coffee (2 sugars, no milk). The Indian Cow looks a bit thin, and the Swiss Cow looks a tad overweight. They are having a pleasant chat about different kinds of grass, sometimes enjoyed with a hint of lime, when Indian Cow mentions that he’s having a bit of indigestion in his 3rd stomach.
They both speak in much accented English.
Swiss Cow: Indigestion, my, I’ve never heard of such a thing!
Indian Cow: Surely you must be joking. Indigestion is very common you know. Sometimes, in my quest for food, I accidentally eat some cellophane along with my banana peel, and there you go: indigestion!
Swiss Cow: Quest for food? Where I’m from, I eat only the freshest grass, and the weather is so cool and rainy that the grass is always plentiful. I don’t ever have to search for my meal, it is provided for me!
Indian Cow: Really? That sounds wonderful! Is Switzerland a big place then?
Swiss Cow: Um, I’m not sure what you mean.
Indian Cow: Well, haven’t you had the opportunity to see the whole country? To do as you please?
Swiss Cow: To do as I please? Ha, of course not! The man in charge has cordoned off a certain area of the hill, and that is where I spend my life.
Indian Cow: You mean to say that you’re trapped?
Swiss Cow: Well, not exactly… I have a schedule which I follow, and live within certain strict rules, but otherwise life is good, I’m treated well. Why? Do you get to travel?
Indian Cow: Of course! I can do what I please whenever I please. I can go wherever I want to go, in whatever way. I can even poop wherever I want!
Swiss Cow: But certainly you must be reviled, people must be upset with you!
Indian Cow: Not at all! In fact, people revere me, I am honored! Although, it can be a bit crowded, and where I am, there certainly is a bit more pollution…

The discussion continues until a bull walks through the door, and they start to giggle over the size of his horns.

Would you rather be the Indian Cow, free and respected, or
Would you rather be the Swiss cow, constrained but comfortable