Thursday, October 22, 2009


Two people (genderless, so that this can be a gender neutral riddle) are sitting in a bar. They are the exact same age and have the exact same bill of health. They order the exact same drink, scotch on the rocks, which is prepared in the exact same way for each of them. One of them is in a hurry, gulps down the drink, and then rushes off. The second drinks leisurely, sipping a little, chatting with the bartender, sipping a bit more, and then dropping dead. Why did the second one die and not the first? (The answer is at the end of this post)*

The other day, I was in a hurry, and stopped by Costa Coffee (a carbon-copy of Starbucks, with a different colour and pricing scheme), I ordered an Iced-Tea. I finished the Iced-Tea quickly, and noticed at the bottom of the glass that there was Ice in my Iced-Tea. Shock.  I prayed that I had drunk the drink before the ice had melted but, I was not so fortunate.
Thanks to Imodium, the result was 3 days of nausea and nothing worse.

 (the picture has nothing to do with the story, I just like it.)

*(The answer: The drinks both have ice cubes. The ice cubes contain poison. The first person drank the drink before the cubes melted and released the poison, the second, well, not so much)


  1. i don't understand why they don't know not to put water/ice in anything there.

    unless... the locals have built stronger stomachs and therefore, a resistance to their water?

  2. the locals have the bacteria in the stomach to be able to digest the bacteria in the water. or something like that.
