Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh no, the electricity is out, lets go for a swim.

Dear Dad,
how dare you deprive me of the pleasures of scooter-riding for so long?
It's just like riding a really fast bicycle.


Why did the Conservative die in India?
He refused to drive with the degenerates on the left.
He drove into a cow.

Goa has been voted one of the top 10 Hippie tourist destinations. Arambol is filled with speedoed Euro-trash, Russian mafioso types (and bimbo-prostitute types), as well as the occasional Canadian and Israeli, and the aged drug-addled Chilean who claims to be a famous and wealthy rock star in his own country.
Sometimes, I'm walking in the street, and I am overcome with the urge to shout:
"You look fucking ridiculous!"
"There is a limit to how many holes a pair of jeans should have.You've passed it."
"Get a haircut. And shave. A dread-locked beard is taking it way too far."
"Ocean water is not a substitute for taking a shower"
"The diseased-hooker look really isn't as attractive as you think it is"
I have subtle urges to sneak sunscreen tubes into the strap of certain people's speedos. I'm not sure how the logistics of this would work.


It rains in my bathroom. :)

The ocean water is warmer than the shower water. Imagine descending into the water with the sun, and leaving the water to see the entire beach lit up in darkness, staring up at the infinitely starry sky...

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